
Instant Facelift...

Posted by Nicole Corradi | Posted in , | Posted on 10:56 PM

... for your mirror, that is.

I came across a company today that I thought I'd share with you all real quick. It's called MirrorMate, and what they have to offer is worth checking out. You would be amazed how one frame can transform an entire bathroom, and MirrorMate's custom frames make this possible in a matter of minutes. It's all done for an incredible price, too.

These aren't traditional frames; You don't take your mirror down and put it in the frame like you would think. Instead, you simply affix the frame onto the front of your existing mirror. You can visit their website for more information and to watch a video on exactly how it works. Prices range from around $140-$220 which is a significant savings from what you would pay for other framed mirror solutions.

Check out these before & after photos to see the dramatic transformation I'm talking about:




"Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style." ~Billy Baldwin

Comments (1)

Wow those are really awesome! I will have to check it out.

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